
vFunction Server can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster and on OpenShift using specialized installers.

This page describes some basic operations to work with such an installation.

Viewing the vFunction server configuration on K8S

If the vFunction server was installed correctly you should see the various URLs, credentials, etc. in the cofig file.

Here is the command:

cat ~/vfunction-server-for-kubernetes/config/vfunctionserver_cr.yaml

Getting the available namespace

kubectl get namespace

Getting the pods with their status

To list the pods with the status do:

kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

for example

kubectl get pods -n vfunction

Viewing a pod’s log files

kubectl logs <podname> -n <namespace>


kubectl logs vfunction-vfapi-measurements-d397b65e-59c68b7f9f-v7w55 -n vfunction

Opening bash inside a pod

kubectl exec -it <podname> -n <namespace> bash

kubectl exec -it vfunction-mysql-d397b65e-974996cfb-zpshd -n kube03 bash

Checking storage for measurement

  1. Find the storage pod Example:
    kubectl get pods -n new25
  2. Open bash in the storage pod Example:
    kubectl exec -it vfunction-storage-b84aea5c-55f5fcf877-98d5z -n new25 bash
  3. Use df -h to check
    cd home/storage/storage
    df -h .

Delete/Restart a pod

If a pod seems hanged try to delete it (another pod with start to replace it):

kubectl delete pod <podname> -n <namespace>


If the server cannot be accessed (say kubectl version returns an error that the connection is refused)

Dependening on the environment itself, set the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

For example:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.oci/kubeconfig

Getting Kibernetes Client and Server versions

kubectl version