
The controller is down

Check the status of the service:

sudo service vf-controller-<instance_name> status

For example:

sudo service vf-controller-default status

If the service is down then start it

	sudo service vf-controller-<instance_name> start

Controller log errors

Open the log file: /var/log/vfunction/instances/{instance-name}/vfcontroller.log

Here are some common errors and how to fix them:

  • Request failed with code: 401. Backup the dynConf.json located in /var/opt/vfunction/instances/<instance_name>/ and try to re-install the same instance

  • Received exit signal - The controller process was stopped. Start the service by: sudo service vf-controller-<instance_name> start To see if the process is up run: ps -ef | grep controller

  • Failed to make JMX call – Make sure the Monolith is connected to vFunction Agent. The configuration file should contain vFunction parameters according to the server application.

Look into the folder /etc/sysconfig/vfunction/agent/instances/{instance-name}/vmargs-examples/ to see examples on how to connect the application server and review your application server startup scripts

  • If you see at the end of the controller log: “message”:“Failed to create controller response code 0: Post "http://hostname/token": dial tcp IP address i/o timeout” It means the controller was unable to connect to the server. It could be that the server is not listening on the port, or it could be that the server is busy and not responsive, or there is a network access issue. To check the connectivity, you can do: telnet [hostname] [port] where the hostname is the IP address or the fully qualified domain name of the server and the port can be the default http port (80) if http is used, or https port (443) if https is used or the port configured during the installation for the server. Another way to check is to do: netstat -natul on the server machine to see if it is listening on the right port.