Server is down

Are the dockers up?

Check the status by running the command

bash sudo docker ps

The following dockers should be up and healthy:

  • vfunction-fluentd (in case fluentd was not disabled by configuration)
  • vfunction-mysql
  • vfunction-nginx
  • vfunction-vfapi-idp
  • vfunction-vfapi-measurements
  • vfunction-vfapi-organizations
  • vfunction-vfapi-users
  • Vfunction-monit (in case monit was not disabled by configuration)

In case there is an unhealthy docker:

  1. Make sure there is enough space in the machine
  2. Verify the docker version: the supported docker version is from 17.03
  3. Run /opt/vfunction/server-installation/
  4. Check the logs

For machines that do not support IPv6, you will see error messages like failed:

“Address family not supported by protocol”.

In that case, you need to set disable_ipv6: true under networking in your server-installation.yaml file (e.g., /etc/sysconfig/vfunction/installation/server-installation.yaml) and run (e.g., /opt/vfunction/server-installation/

This works from version 2.3, prior to this version you need to disable Ipv6 in the docker image. See on how to do that directly in Nginx

Is SELinux Enabled?

Sometimes, having SELinux enabled may cause issues like preventing vFunction from deleting files, which may result in issues where the applications will be down.

To disable SELinux do the following:

  1. sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
  2. change to: SELINUX=disabled
  3. sudo setenforce 0
  4. Reboot machine

How to check that an individual docker is alive?

For each service, you can check the status of the process using the URL in the form

[server URL]/api/unauth/[service name]/version


For IDP service, the URL is: [Server URL]/version (e.g.,