Continuous Modernization


vFunction can continuously monitor various metrics of an application and can alert following certain occurrences, such as crossing a Technical Debt threshold or changes to a common library.

vFunction can provide continuous assessments and continuous modernization. Continous assessments are based on static analysis using the Viper CLI. And, Continuous modernization is based on scheduled learning.

Continuous Modernization in vFunction

Static CI/CD Pipelines for Continuous Assessment

When a code change is made to an application, that change could potentially have a negative impact on the performance of the Application. vFunction integrates with an App’s CI/CD pipeline, e.g., Bitbucket or Jenkins, in order to analyze the Application each time a code change is introduced to the pipeline. The analysis of the Application results in a new vFunction Base Assessment Report. This Base Assessment Report includes detailed information about the Application’s Frameworks, Technical Debt Metrics, Cost of Innovation, Refactoring Effort as well as overviews of Identified Services, Entry Points, Classes and Resource Exclusivity. This Report allows an organization to understand immediately how codes changes will impact the performance of the Application.

Scheduled Learning for Continuous Modernization

Continous Modernization enables automatic learning and analysis based on a schedule. Alerts via e-mail or Slack will be sent for various occurrences as shown in the figure above.

To setup the continuous modernization plan:

  1. Click Observation tab in the menu bar of vFunction Server’s UI
  2. Click the Pencil Icon next to Configuration on the left-hand sidebar
  3. A Dialog Box will launch with four sections on the left-hand sidebar
  4. In Configure Alerts, select the types of Alerts to be sent
  5. In Configure Plan, select the Baseline Measurement as a point of reference. New Learning Data and Notifications will be compared to this measurement (e.g., when a new service is added)
  6. In Configure Learning, select the frequency that Learning will occur and the Controllers on which Learning will occur
  7. In Configuring Schedule, define how frequently the Analysis will run to create a new Measurement based on the Learning that has occurred. For example, set Learning to occur daily and Analysis to occur weekly to create a new Measurement each week with all of the Learning data from that week.
  8. Click Confirm Changes to finish configuring Continuous Modernization
  9. After the Analysis Schedule has completed, a new timestamped Measurement will be created with the naming convention, Scheduled - DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM (UTC+00:00)