'Permission Denied' Errors in vfunction-mysql Container running in a Podman environment

Overview of the Issue

This issue occurs in the following circumstances:

  1. An organization installs Podman on a Linux VM for the vFunction Server
  2. The organization configures a custom location on the filesystem for the Database and Measurement Volumes
  3. The organization adds the custom locations to the server-installation.yaml’s storage.db and storage.measurements fields. For example
  ### Leave empty to use an internal docker volume for database storage
  database: /vfunction/podman/db
  ### Leave empty to use an internal docker volume for measurements storage
  measurements: /vfunction/podman/measurements
  1. The organization adds the Keep-ID flag to the, “Podman Run” Workflow in the server-installation.yaml’s security.custom_security_options. For example
  ### If empty, the default options would be: "--security-opt no-new-privileges --cap-drop=all"
  custom_security_options: "--security-opt no-new-privileges --cap-drop=all --userns=keep-id"
  1. The organization successfully installs the vFunction Server
  2. The permissions are changed on the custom locations for the Database Volume
  3. The organization runs an upgrade in the environment
  4. Unexpectedly, the upgrade displays that the vfunction-mysql Container is stopped
Upgrading mysql...
Running docker with command: podman run --runtime runc --name vfunction-mysql --network=vfunction --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 --env-file /vfunction/podman/vfunction/etc/sysconfig/vfunction/mysql/automated-custom-env.list -e OFFLINE=true --add-host=vfunction-vfapi-organizations: -v /vfunction/podman/db:/opt/vfunction -p 3306:3306 --restart=unless-stopped --user 27:27 --security-opt no-new-privileges --cap-drop=all --userns=keep-id -d vfunction/vfunction-mysql-ubi:v3.6.1436
Backing up and upgrading mysql... (This may take a while depending on the DB size)
vfunction-mysql: stopped
vfunction-mysql: stopped
vfunction-mysql: stopped
vfunction-mysql: stopped
vfunction-mysql: stopped
  1. The output of, “podman logs vfunction-mysql” displays a, “Permission Denied” error trying to write or access files on the Database Volume
+ set -x
++ cgroup-limits
Warning: Can't detect cpu quota from cgroups
Warning: Can't detect cpuset size from cgroups, will use nproc
+ export_vars='MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES=9223372036854775807
+ export MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES=9223372036854775807 MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES=9223372036854775807 NUMBER_OF_CORES=2 NO_MEMORY_LIMIT=true
+ MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES=9223372036854775807
+ MEMORY_LIMIT_IN_BYTES=9223372036854775807
+ source /usr/share/container-scripts/mysql/common.sh
++ source /usr/share/container-scripts/mysql/helpers.sh
++ export MYSQL_DATADIR=/var/lib/mysql/data
++ MYSQL_DATADIR=/var/lib/mysql/data
++ export MYSQL_LOCAL_SOCKET=/tmp/mysql.sock
++ MYSQL_LOCAL_SOCKET=/tmp/mysql.sock
++ export MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE=/etc/my.cnf
++ MYSQL_DEFAULTS_FILE=/etc/my.cnf
++ mysql_identifier_regex='^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'
++ mysql_password_regex='^[a-zA-Z0-9_~!@#$%^&*()-=<>,.?;:|]+$'
++ mysql_flags='-u root --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock'
++ admin_flags='--defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf -u root --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock'
+ source /usr/local/bin/backup.sh
++ set -x
++ _is_sourced /usr/bin/run-mysqld
+++ basename /usr/bin/run-mysqld
++ script_name=run-mysqld
+++ basename /usr/local/bin/backup.sh
++ this_script=backup.sh
++ '[' run-mysqld '!=' backup.sh ']'
+ [[ -z v3.6.1436 ]]
+ mkdir -p /opt/vfunction/logs
+ mkdir -p /opt/vfunction/errors
++ date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
+ error_file_name=/opt/vfunction/errors/error-startup-20240814200146-v3.6.1436.log
+ touch /opt/vfunction/errors/error-startup-20240814200146-v3.6.1436.log
touch: cannot touch '/opt/vfunction/errors/error-startup-20240814200146-v3.6.1436.log': Permission denied


The following steps can be used to resolve this issue:

  1. Confirm that SELinux is not set to, “enforcing”. If it is, change to, “permissive”.
grep 'enforcing' /etc/sysconfig/selinux

  1. Get the starting Subuid for the User performing the Installation

Find-and-replace $INSTALLING_USER with actual Username

grep $INSTALLING_USER /etc/subuid
  1. Get the starting Subgid for the Group the User is in

Find-and-replace $INSTALLING_GROUP with actual Group Name

grep $INSTALLING_GROUP /etc/subgid
  1. Gather the MySQL Subuid and Subgid to be used for the ownership of the Database Volume. For example:
grep 'vfunction' /etc/subuid

grep 'vfunction' /etc/subgid

First Subuid = 17000
First Subgid = 17000

### Add 27 (the MySQL User ID in a UBI Image) to the First Subuid and First Subgid
MySQL Subuid = 17027
MySQL Subgid = 17027
  1. Change Ownership to the files and folders below the Database Volume to match the MySQL Subuid and MySQL Subgid. For example
sudo chown -R 17027:17027 /vfunction/podman/db
  1. Change Ownership of the Database Volume itself to be owned by the Installing User. For example
sudo chown vfunction:vfunction /vfunction/podman/db
  1. Run the upgrade script again to complete the upgrade process