How to add Sub User IDs and Sub Group IDs

To load the Podman Container Images into temporary storage and to run the vFunction Podman Containers, the installing user must have Sub User IDs and Sub Group IDs configured to allow the user to run subprocesses.

As a root or sudo user, take the following steps

  1. Gather the User and Group IDs for the installing user by running cat /etc/passwd
  2. Create a range of Sub User IDs for the installing user
  • Note: The Sub User IDs must be below 65536. Some systems will automatically create a Subuid in the 100,000 range when a new user is created. This may create a problem with Podman and Runc when a vFunction Upgrade is performed
  • Note: Ensure that, when creating a range of Sub User IDs, you do not include IDs that are already used by other users. For example, if the Installing User is ID = 5, then create the following entry installingUser:6:5000 where 6 is the first subuid and 5000 is the range of IDs from 6 onward that the installingUser can use.
  1. Run vi /etc/subuid
  2. Add an entry using the following format installingUser:startingSubUserID:RangeOfIDsToUse
  1. Create a range of Sub Group IDs for the installing group
  • Note: The Sub Group IDs must be below 65536. Some systems will automatically create a Subgid in the 100,000 range when a new user is created. This may create a problem with Podman and Runc when a vFunction Upgrade is performed Note: Ensure that, when creating a range of Sub Group IDs, you do not include IDs that are already used by other groups. For example, if the Installing Group is ID = 5, then create the following entry installingGroup:6:5000 where 6 is the first subgid and 5000 is the range of IDs from 6 onward that the installingGroup can use.
  1. Run vi /etc/subgid
  2. Add an entry using the following format installingUserGroup:startingSubGroupID:RangeOfIDsToUse