General Troubleshooting - Server running on a Linux VM via Podman

  • Gather all current logs to share with the vFunction Support Team
### Find-and-replace $BASE_DIRECTORY with the Installation Location
bash $BASE_DIRECTORY/vfunction/opt/vfunction/server-installation/
  • Navigate to the directory where vFunction writes logging
### Find-and-replace $BASE_DIRECTORY with the Installation Location
cd $BASE_DIRECTORY/vfunction/var/log/vfunction/
  • List all Podman Containers
### List only Containers that are running
podman ps

### List all Containers, even those that have been stopped
podman ps -a
  • Get logs from a running Container

Find-and-replace $CONTAINER_NAME with the actual name

podman logs $CONTAINER_NAME

### Show new log output as the Container runs
podman logs $CONTAINER_NAME --follow

### Show log entries in the last 10 minutes
podman logs $CONTAINER_NAME --since=10m
  • Inspect a running Container

Find-and-replace $CONTAINER_NAME with the actual name

podman inspect $CONTAINER_NAME
  • See resources for a running Container

Find-and-replace $CONTAINER_NAME with the actual name

podman stats $CONTAINER_NAME
  • Execute commands on a running Container

Find-and-replace $CONTAINER_NAME with the actual name

### Access a running Container
podman exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME bash
  • Uninstall vFunction
podman stop vfunction-monit
systemctl restart podman
podman rm $(podman ps -a -f "name=vfunction" -q)
podman network rm vfunction
podman volume rm mysql_vol vfapi_measurements_storage_vol
podman system prune --all
rm -rf /etc/sysconfig/vfunction
rm -rf /opt/vfunction
rm -rf /var/log/vfunction