Install - Java Viper Controller on Windows with Admin Access for Static Analysis

Installation Steps

Take the following steps to install the vFunction Java Controller on a Windows Server with Admin access:

  1. Ensure Prerequisites are met
  2. Download the vFunction Controller Windows Installation ZIP from the vFunction Portal
  3. Move the Controller ZIP package to the Windows Server
  4. Extract the ZIP to the desired directory, such as C:\vfunction\
  5. In a text editor, open the installation.yaml. Replace the INSTANCE_NAME and REPLACE_BASE_DIR with the actual values.
  1. Set the required and optional Configurable Settings
  2. Open Powershell as an Administrator and unblock the files in the installation directory. Replace REPLACE_BASE_DIR with the actual value.
dir -Path "REPLACE_BASE_DIR" -Recurse | Unblock-File
  1. In Powershell, run the installation script. Replace the INSTANCE_NAME and REPLACE_BASE_DIR with the actual values.
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "REPLACE_BASE_DIR\vfunction\controller-installation\install.ps1 -instance INSTANCE_NAME -viperMode true"
  1. Configure the JVM Startup Parameters for the vFunction Agent
  2. Restart the Application

Optional flags that can be used in the install.ps1 script

Flag Purpose
-instance Used to input the Instance Name as a String following the flag
-serverUsername Used to input the server-installation.yaml’s address to create the vFunction App in the Server UI from the Controller
-serverPassword Used to input the server-installation.yaml’s server.admin.password to create the vFunction App in the Server UI from the Controller
-agentMode Used when installing the vFunction Agent but not Viper
-viperMode Used when installing Viper but not the vFunction Agent
-scriptMode Used to run the installation in script mode so that all no user prompts are displayed and console output is minimized
-runAsServices Used to define whether the installation should run in Admin-mode (Services true) or User-mode (Services false)