Installation - Startup Parameters for Java Agent on a Jeus Application Server

Jetty Compatibility

vFunction supports Jeus version 8 and later.

Installation Wizard

To help with the installation process, vFunction offers an Installation Wizard. This Wizard provides additional information about the Prerequisites as well as steps for deploying the vFunction Agent to your environment.

Please contact or your vFunction Contact(s) for the password to start using this Wizard.

Installation Workflow

  1. Install the Dynamic Analysis Controller
  1. Open the vFunction Agent Startup Parameters in a text editor
### Replace the INSTANCE_NAME with the actual value

less etc/sysconfig/vfunction/agent/instances/INSTANCE_NAME/vmargs-examples/jeus
  1. In the Jeus WebAdmin Console, click Servers from the left menu
  2. Select a server from the server list and go to the server configuration screen
  3. Click the Basic tab in the configuration screen
  4. Click Lock & Edit at the bottom of the left menu to switch to dynamic configuration mode
  5. Copy-and-paste the vFunction Agent Startup Parameters from the VFUN_OPTS into the Jvm Option setting and then click OK
  6. Click Apply Changes
  7. Restart the Jeus instance
  8. Confirm that the Application comes up and functions as expected
  9. If any issues arise:

Sample contents of vmargs-example/jeus file

If using this sample below, you will need to:

  • Find-and-replace the REPLACE_BASE_DIR with the value relevant to your vFunction installation
  • Find-and-replace the REPLACE_INSTANCE with the value relevant to your vFunction installation

This sample file exists in the Installation TGZ in:


Once the script is run, the relevant placeholder fields are replaced in the version of the environmentally-specific file in:

### Replace the INSTANCE_NAME with the actual value

Sudo Installation Sample
### vFunction stuff inside to put inside jeus/script/
### Replace the INSTANCE_NAME with the actual value
### Replace REPLACE_EXTRA_JVM with "--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" if the JVM uses Java 11, 17, 21. Otherwise, remove this string

VFUN_OPTS="-agentpath:/opt/vfunction/agent/ -javaagent:/opt/vfunction/agent/runtime-agent.jar REPLACE_EXTRA_JVM -Dcom.vfunction.instance=REPLACE_INSTANCE"

Sudoless Installation Sample
### vFunction stuff inside to put inside jeus/script/
### Replace the REPLACE_BASE_DIR with the path to the installation, such as "/tmp/vfunction"
### Replace the INSTANCE_NAME with the actual value
### Replace REPLACE_EXTRA_JVM with "--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" if the JVM uses Java 11, 17, 21. Otherwise, remove this string

VFUN_OPTS="-agentpath:REPLACE_BASE_DIR/opt/vfunction/agent/ -javaagent:REPLACE_BASE_DIR/opt/vfunction/agent/runtime-agent.jar=ConfigLocation=REPLACE_BASE_DIR/etc/sysconfig/vfunction/agent/instances/REPLACE_INSTANCE/ REPLACE_EXTRA_JVM -Dcom.vfunction.runtime.shared.folder=REPLACE_BASE_DIR/opt/vfunction/controller/instances/REPLACE_INSTANCE/temp/ -Dcom.vfunction.runtime.offload.tmpFolder=REPLACE_BASE_DIR/opt/vfunction/agent/instances/REPLACE_INSTANCE/temp/ -Dcom.vfunction.logging.logFile=REPLACE_BASE_DIR/var/log/vfunction/instances/REPLACE_INSTANCE/vfagent.log"