Install - Java Agent Controller on Containerized Open Liberty App for Dynamic Analysis
Installation Steps
- Download the latest vFunction Sudoless Controller Installation TGZ
- Download a sample installation.yaml
- Download a sample
- Set the Configurable Settings in the downloaded installation.yaml
- Create a folder for vFunction artifacts in the Artifact Repository accessible by the Docker Build
- Add the vFunction Sudoless Controller Installation TGZ, the and the installation.yaml to the Artifact Repository
- Create a vFunction specific branch to add the vFunction artificats to the Application’s Dockerfile
- Modify the Application’s Dockerfile
FROM <existing_docker_image>
COPY <existing_workflow>
### vFunction COPY workflow
COPY /artifact_repository/vfunction/vfunction-controller-sudo-less-installation*.tgz /tmp/vfunction-controller-sudo-less-installation.tgz
COPY /artifact_repository/vfunction/installation.yaml /tmp/
COPY /artifact_repository/vfunction/ /opt/ol/helpers/runtime/
RUN <existing_workflow>
### vFunction RUN workflow
RUN cd /tmp/ && tar zxvf /tmp/vfunction-controller-sudo-less-installation.tgz && \
rm -rf /tmp/vfunction-controller-sudo-less-installation.tgz && \
mv /tmp/installation.yaml /tmp/vfunction/etc/sysconfig/vfunction/installation/instances/default-java/ && \
bash /tmp/vfunction/opt/vfunction/controller-installation/ -i default-java -n -a && \
cat /tmp/vfunction/etc/sysconfig/vfunction/agent/instances/default-java/vmargs-examples/liberty >> /opt/ol/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/jvm.options && \
chown -R default:root /opt/ol/ && \
chmod +x /opt/ol/helpers/runtime/ && \
chmod -R 777 /tmp/vfunction/
ENTRYPOINT [<existingWorkflowIfUsed>]
CMD [<existingWorkflowIfUsed>]
- Build and deploy the Application
- Confirm that the Application comes up and functions as expected
- If any issues arise: