Install - .NET Startup Parameters for Framework Agent started on Windows as an IIS Site for Dynamic Analysis

.NET Framework Compatibility

vFunction supports C# .NET Framework version 4.x applications.

Application Pool Prerequisites

The vFunction Agent requires a distinct Application Pool to be created for the Application if the current Application Pool is used by multiple Applications. Follow these steps to create a new Application Pool if needed.

Installation Workflow

  1. Install the Dynamic Analysis Controller
  2. Open the vFunction Framework IIS startup parameters in a text editor

    ### Replace the REPLACE_BASE_DIR and INSTANCE_NAME below with the actual values

  3. In a text editor, open the C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config XML
  4. Search for the term applicationPools in the applicationHost.config
  5. Modify the XML entry for the Application Pool used by the Application using the vmargs-examples\IIS file as a guide
  6. Save and close the file
  7. Stop and restart the Application Pool used by the Application
  8. Create new traffic to the IIS Site so a new Worker Process is launched
  9. Confirm that the Application comes up and functions as expected
  10. If any issues arise:

Sample contents of vmargs-example/IIS file

If using this sample below, you will need to:

  1. Find-and-replace the REPLACE_BASE_DIR with the value relevant to your vFunction installation
  2. Find-and-replace the REPLACE_INSTANCE with the value relevant to your vFunction installation

This sample file can be found in REPLACE_BASE_DIR\controller-installation\stuff\agent\vmargs-examples\dotnet\framework\IIS. Once the script is run, the relevant placeholder fields are replaced in the version of the environmentally-specific file in REPLACE_BASE_DIR\config\agent\instances\INSTANCE_NAME\vmargs-examples\IIS.

Open the applicationHost.config XML usually located at: C:\\Windows\\System32\\inetsrv\\config\\applicationHost.config

Under the applicationPools node, find the relevant application pool and add the env vars:

    <add name="DefaultAppPool" autoStart="true">
            <add name="VF_AGENT_CONF_LOCATION" value="REPLACE_BASE_DIR\config\agent\instances\REPLACE_INSTANCE\conf.json" />
    		<add name="COR_PROFILER_PATH_64" value="REPLACE_BASE_DIR\agent\" />
    		<add name="COR_PROFILER_PATH_32" value="REPLACE_BASE_DIR\agent\" />
    		<add name="COR_ENABLE_PROFILING" value="1" />
        	<add name="COR_PROFILER" value="{cd7d4b53-96c8-4552-9c11-6e41df8eab8a}" />
        	<add name="COMPlus_TailCallOpt" value="0"/>