Install - .NET Core Agent Startup Parameters on Linux for Dynamic Analysis

.NET Core Compatibility

vFunction supports C# .NET Core version 3.x and .NET 6.x, 7.x and 8.x applications.

Installation Workflow

  1. Install the Dynamic Analysis Controller
  2. Open a new text document in the same location where the current startup script exists for the application

    ### Replace the PATH_TO_NAME and APP_NAME below with the actual value

    vi /PATH_TO_START/
  3. Add the vFunction Agent's environmental variables to hook the application with the Agent after startup. Start the application from this script as well

    #!/usr/bin/env sh

    set -x

    ##### Replace REPLACE_BASE_PATH with the actual path to the vFunction installation, such as /tmp/vfunction/
    ##### Replace INSTANCE_NAME with the actual instance used, such as default-dotnet

    echo "Adding vFunction environmental variables"

    export VF_AGENT_CONF_LOCATION=REPLACE_BASE_PATH/etc/sysconfig/vfunction/agent/instances/INSTANCE_NAME/conf.json
    export CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_64=REPLACE_BASE_PATH/opt/vfunction/agent/
    export CORECLR_PROFILER={cd7d4b53-96c8-4552-9c11-6e41df8eab8a}
    export DOTNET_TailCallOpt=0

    echo "Starting Application"

    ##### Replace RUN_APP with the workflow for starting the application

  4. Run the newly created script to start the application with vFunction's Agent hooked

    ### Replace the PATH_TO_NAME and APP_NAME below with the actual value

  5. Confirm that the Application comes up and functions as expected
  6. If any issues arise: