Kubernetes Operator - Create Cluster Scope Objects

Manually Create Cluster Scope Objects

The step of manually creating Cluster Scope Objects is not required. The vFunction Kubernetes Operator Installation Script will try to create these Objects automatically if it has enough permission. Applying these Objects requires Cluster-Admin permission, however, and in many restricted environments this is disabled.

In restricted environments, the Objects will need to be manually deployed by a Cluster-Admin account. These Objects define the new Kubernetes entity “VfunctionServer”, which the operator listens to as its configuration.

  1. Download the vFunction Kubernetes Operator Installation TGZ
  2. Move the Installation TGZ to a Linux VM with Kubectl and access to the Kubernetes cluster
  3. SSH to the Linux VM
  4. Unpack the TGZ

    ### Replace VERSION with the actual package version

    tar xvf vfunction-server-installation-kubernetes.vVERSION.tgz
  5. Apply the Cluster Role Definitions

    kubectl apply -f vfunction-server-for-kubernetes/manifests/03_crd.yaml
  6. Apply the Cluster Roles

    kubectl apply -f vfunction-server-for-kubernetes/manifests/06_cluster-role.yaml
  7. Modify the Cluster Role Bindings Manifest to refer to the Namespace you will use for the vFunction Operator and Operand
    ### The default namespace listed here is, "vfunction". Modify this if desired
    ### Replace DESIRED_NAMESPACE below with the desired Namespace
    sed -i 's~namespace: vfunction~namespace: DESIRED_NAMESPACE~g' vfunction-server-for-kubernetes/manifests/07_cluster-role-binding.yaml
  8. Apply the Cluster Role Bindings

    kubectl apply -f vfunction-server-for-kubernetes/manifests/07_cluster-role-binding.yaml