Prerequisites - Java Agent Controller on Windows with Admin Access for Dynamic Analysis

Compatibility Matrix

Operating Systems
App Servers
Deployment Models
  • Windows Server 2012 R2+
  • Apache Tomcat 6+
  • Eclipse Jetty 9.4.20+
  • IBM WebSphere 8.5.5+
  • IBM WebSphere Liberty 22+
  • Jeus 8+
  • Open Liberty 21+
  • Oracle WebLogic 10.3.6+
  • Payara 5.2020+
  • RedHat JBoss 7.2+
  • RedHat Wildfly 14.0.1+
  • Amazon Correto 1.8, 11, 17
  • Azul Zulu 8, 11
  • IBM J9 8.0.3+
  • Oracle HotSpot / OpenJDK 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 9, 11, 17
  • OpenJ9 1.8, 11, 17
  • SAPMachine 8, 11
  • Windows with PowerShell

Prerequisites of the Agent for Dynamic Analysis

  • Download latest vFunction Controller Installation ZIP
  • Application UUIDs (org_id, app_id, client_id, client_secret) copied from the Application Creation workflow in the vFunction Server UI, or the Username and Password used in the vFunction Server’s installation.yaml
  • Connectivity over the same Port used for the vFunction Server installation (Port 80 or 443) from the vFunction Agent
  • Knowledge of where environmental variables are configured for the Application
  • Double the timeout value if there is a mechanism to restart the application if it is starting too slowly. The startup time for the application may be impacted by the vFunction Agent.
  • Available CPU and RAM configured for installing vFunction
Free vCPU Free RAM
1 vCPU 1gb